April 8, 2008

Turning a bad Monday around

For those of you that don’t know, my husband was married once before he met me. Just for a few months, but none the less, married. Sometimes I catch myself wondering what went wrong between them. Whatever it was, I’m sure glad it happened. I have a wonderful husband and I thank God everyday that he brought him into my life.

Yesterday was a perfect example of how he goes above and beyond just for me. I was having a typical crappy Monday (bad morning, late for work, bad day at work, etc) and it was worse because Ronnie was sick. Since I’ve known him he has missed work just one time before this for being sick. Yesterday morning he felt so bad he was having a hard time getting out of bed. But I’m sure he could hear my frustration trying to get me and the kids out of the house on time, and he certainly heard it all on my way home when I called to check on him but ended up venting until I cried.

This is where I am reminded of how great he is. I walk in the door not more then 20 minutes after my call with him and realize he has been up, cleaned the house, was starting dinner, and even had one of my favorite movies on. At this point I don’t think I could possibly love him more, but then I notice a card on the counter, which say’s “open in the kitchen”. The card told me how proud he was of me for giving everything I have to our family and then points me to a post it on the wall which has an arrow drawn on it. After several more of those I come to one that points me into the bedroom. On our bed he has laid out two shirts, a pair of shorts, and the cutest pair of heels. He had actually gotten up, sick as he was, and went shopping for me. And when I smile, he says “I did my job, I made you happy.”

Now I can only hope to make him as happy as he makes me.


Shy Little Violets said...

No he did not! You really have a one of a kind husband. I guess we all do but yours is extra sensitive to what you need. I'm actually in shock. It would give me a heart attack if Jess did something like that for me.

Brandy said...

he is pretty amazing, he knows what I need. But I'm sure Jess does things for you that Ronnie wouldn't think of for me...like the massage :-)

Shy Little Violets said...

I guess:) It's funny how we are married to who we are supposed to be. Anyway, you can totally come over ANYTIME and set up your jean blanket.