August 1, 2008

Summer Review

I’m so ashamed; I’ve become a blog neglecter. It’s so hard to keep up when summer is so busy. When we’re not working we’re busy with summer stuff and other random things. I thought I’d give you a little run down on things I should have posted about, but haven’t had the chance.

Ethan gets sick: This last week has been crazy. Ethan picked up some sort of bug or virus. He started complaining of stomach pain and nausea on Saturday morning, in the car. We thought he had become car sick, even though he never had before, but that didn’t seem to be the case. Two days later, after several complaints of stomach pains and two days of not eating I called the dr., who told me to “pass go and go directly to the hospital”. From Friday to Sunday he had somehow lost 13 pounds. When he started out at 66, 13 lbs is way too much. The hospital did test after test and found no clear reason as so his pain or severe and sudden weight loss. We’ve been watching him carefully and he seems to be getting better. He’s gained a couple pounds and has actually started eating again. Hopefully it’s over, but it did get a little scary there for a while

Boating: Absolutely love it! We’ve had so much fun this summer with our boating trips. We’ve managed to go out almost every weekend, with a few exceptions. When we first started going out, Ronnie did it all. He’d back the truck up to launch the boat, jump in the boat to back it off the trailer, park the boat on the dock to run up and park the truck, and then the reverse at the end of the day. I’ve talked to several people we know that have boats, and I’m surprised how many think this is normal or ok. I’ve always felt I should be doing my part, and I’m so proud to say, I am now pulling my weight. I’ve learned to back the boat off the trailer and pull up to the dock (without hitting into the dock) and then pulling the boat back onto the trailer at the end of the day. I’m not sure I’ll ever be able to back the truck and trailer up, there’s just something about it. We’re so lucky to live where we do, with so many beautiful lakes to visit. We also made a short trip to Flaming Gorge; the scenery there is absolutely stunning. The kids enjoy the days on the lakes as much as we do. I’m so glad Ronnie convinced me to agree to buy a boat. I do have some fun stories, but I’ll have to post on those later.

Racing: Ethan has done so great this year racing. They are on “hiatus” right now; he doesn’t race again for a few more weeks. He’s gotten really comfortable on his 65. One day I was walking past his bedroom and he called me in and said, “Mom, racing is my life. If I couldn’t race, I’d die”. I didn’t like the dying part, but it was so cute that he was so adamant that his life was racing. We’re so lucky that we are able to afford to let him do something he has such a passion for.

Pre-K: Sophia was moved up from preschool to the Pre-Kindergarten class, even though because she missed the deadline she won’t start kindergarten for another year. Here comes the bragging…. She was so ahead of the preschoolers she was bored, so they moved her up with the kids that are starting kindergarten this year. Her teacher told me she can tell who works with their kids at home and who doesn’t by what the kids know, and she thinks we’ve done a great job with her. I don’t think we do any more then most, but apparently we do. One day when I was picking her up I listened to a little boy recite the ABC’s to his mom. I was shocked to later learn that little boy will be going to kindergarten this year, he was having such a hard time with letters, it was baffling to me that some parents think that is normal. Sophia is starting to put words together, simple words, but she is still able to sound them out.

Freak Summer Storm: On July 22nd, we had a freak summer storm which destroyed my garden. I was at work all day and although the rain and hail that fell there was impressive, I wasn’t fully prepared for what I found when I made it home that evening. Driving into the neighborhood I could tell there were some severe winds there due to the tree branches down in the streets. When I pulled into the driveway the first things that caught my eyes were the leaves that had blanketed our sidewalk to the point you couldn’t see the sidewalk, and the piles of hail that had managed to survive the 95 degree temps. The blooming garden that I had looked out on my way out that morning had become a garden of sticks protruding the soil. We were missing shingles, our window wells were full of more hail, and my poor vegetable garden was demolished.

This is my neighbors tramploine, on the outside of their yard...

This is the park in our neighborhood, the hail is still there hours after the storm although temps are in the 90's...

This street is outside our neighborhood, see the top of the fire hydrant...

One last thing: I’m supposed to attend a family reunion tomorrow in Portland with my father’s side of the family. I wish I could be there, but I hope they understand why I can’t. I would love to see everyone and I know it will be a long time before we all are able to get together again; it’s just really bad timing for us. I hope they all know how much I love and miss them all.


Shy Little Violets said...

I can't stand it when readers don't comment so you can always count on comments from me. I know what you mean about backing the trailer down the ramp, i'm no good at it and i'm not brave enough to drive the boat (borrowed). Jesse does it all and it makes me feel helpless. I'm glad you've taken the initiative to learn to do the driving of the boat. Ethan sounds like he's loving what he does, how could you ever say no to one that loves it like he does. That crazy storm didn't even hit up here, not even a little bit. Crazy that out West got pummeled like it did, i'm sorry about your fence and garden.

Brandy said...

I wish people would comment too, I wouldn't feel like I was talking to myself, but whatever. Thanks for your comments, love getting them.

Anonymous said...

I'm going to comment (I hope!) I've never done this before my computer skills are very limited! I'm so proud of you for all you've accomplished (including backing the boat!) I understand your reasons I really wish things were different but I understand maybe someday. I really enjoyed your blog and hopefully I will see you soon. Tell your mom I said hi.
Love you all and miss you,