November 5, 2012

Happy Birthday Sophia

Where does the time go?  Really?  I cannot believe how fast time goes by.  Our baby girl was born nine years ago today, that seems so unreal to me.  She has brought so much joy, humor, frustration, love, fire, and peace into our family and home.  She is such a blessing and we are so thankful for her.
Happy Birthday to our Sassa Frass, Freckle Face, Fifi, Sophers, Lil Red, Lil Miss, Soph!
We love you!

October 31, 2012

Halloween 2012

This year has been flying by.  I didn't even have time to pull out my Halloween decorations let alone get in the spirit of the "holiday", but I did it for the kids.  After a month of Sophia asking to be something "round" when she said "vampire" I headed straight to the store and bought a costume before she could say the word "round" again.    And then there was Ethan... 
What a character!
So if you put my Vampire who forgot her fangs and my overgrown hippie with Jeter the Skunk and JaDaKenn the "cryin" Turtle it looks a little like this....
Hope you all had a great Halloween! 
Can't wait to see your pictures.

October 22, 2012

He's Back

For those of you that don't know, Ron spent almost an entire year traveling for work.  It was rough for all of us. Luckily I had the kids to keep me busy, he had the warm weather and beach to keep him busy.  While we were here shoveling snow, he was laying by a pool.  While I was running back and forth from one activity to the next he was surfing.  Rough life, right. 
I know he did actually get the rough end of it all, I did after all at least have the kids and some normalcy.  I couldn't imagine being away from this family I love for as long as he was. 
I hope he knows who much we appreciate all the sacrifices he makes to take care of us.
I'm just glad he's home and our family is together again..hopefully for a LONG time.

*Yes, this is a little late, he's been back for a while, but I am "catching up" here.

October 21, 2012

Back in the to say

Wow, almost a year.  How did I stay away?  It's been a busy, crazy, rollercoaster ride this past year.  But as they saying goes I'm back in the Saddle and ready.  So here it goes...  Stay tuned.