November 4, 2008

5 Years Ago

Let me tell you a little about November 4th, 2003, five years ago today. I remember working a full day, going to a doctor appointment during my lunch break, stopping at a bookstore on the way home from work, Ronnie making dinner, reading books to Ethan, and Ronnie taking pictures of Ethan rubbing my enormous belly. After putting Ethan to bed, Ronnie and I settled into bed ourselves. And those are my last memories of our family of three.
At midnight I woke up in labor, the same time I woke up in labor with Ethan, the difference this time, was I knew this was it. I had no question in my mind that what I was feeling was Sophia making her entrance into this world. By three am we were dropping Ethan off at my Mom’s house and making our way to the hospital. It wasn’t a long ride, but it seemed like it took forever. There was no counting time between contractions; she was ready to make her entrance into this world. Less then twelve hours after going into labor Sophia joined our family. She weighed a whopping 8 lbs 15 oz! Ethan was only 7 lbs 1 oz, so that seemed HUGE to me and my 5’1” body. Even my doctor was a little shocked; although I had been telling him for months I knew she was going to be huge, he just didn’t believe she’d be that big.
She had a perfect little round face and wonderful, almost tanned, tone to her skin. She had tons of curly hair, in a perfect auburn shade. She was beautiful! The perfect addition to our family.
Tomorrow she’ll turn five, and I’ve been procrastinating planning a celebration for her. Somewhere in my mind I believe if we put it off, she won’t turn five yet, even though I know it’s not true. It’s hard to watch my baby grow up, to not be my baby anymore. I haven’t decided if it’s harder to watch your first born or your baby grow up, for me, both are extremely hard. My biggest wish is to raise them both the best I can, with the values and beliefs I feel are important, and most of all, with all the love I have to give the

1 comment:

Sioux said...

That is a great memory, thanks for sharing. Hope you have fun with your baby today, it won't last long, soon there will be make-up, texting and boys!