October 2, 2008

My own Rockstar!

When I was younger, maybe 3rd or 4th grade, like so many other kids I decided I didn’t like my name. I wanted my name to be Aubrey, I don’t know why, no offense to any Aubrey’s that happen by my blog, but it’s just a name, nothing special. Ethan went through a phase like this, but it was when he was about 2-3, he didn’t like the name Ethan, didn’t want us to call him Ethan, he was Rick and that’s what he wanted us to call him. I have an uncle named Rick, he did meet him a shortly before this, but I’m not sure if that’s what contributed to his name change phase. He was very creative with it too. If I remember correctly, he wanted his last name to be Jones, and he had this whole back-story about him being a famous motorcycle rider.
I should have known that it was only a matter of time before Sophia decided she wanted a new name. That day came yesterday. She has decided she wants her name to be Rockstar Rose, not like she’s a rock star and her name is Rose. She actually wants her first name to be Rockstar and her last name to be Rose. Where do these kids come up with these ideas?

Well at least I can say my kids are creative!

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