April 18, 2008

Friday Favorites ~ D and D Toys

I need to take a few minutes to thank D and D Toys.
You see, Ethan is scheduled to start racing tonight. For some reason, Ronnie picked yesterday afternoon to take apart Ethan's bike to "fix" it. I'm not sure what he was fixing, I think he was more tinkering with it then anything because it worked just fine when they went riding earlier this week. Anyway, at some point he broke the water pump impeller. Apparently this part isn't very easy to replace, as no one within a two hour driving radius had it in stock. They all told us that they could order it, but it was too late in the day to overnight it, we'd be looking at 3-4 days. Which would mean Ethan would have to miss the race tonight.
Well as any good mother would do, I continued to try to look for a miracle. I receive the same answer time and again, until I tried D and D Toys. I explained my situation and the response I got was amazing. Although the store was closing in less then a half hour, he said that if we could bring the part down they would see what they could do to find a replacement, or try to fix the part. Ronnie walked in the door over an hour later, and, drum roll please......Ethan will be racing tonight!
I'm so glad I didn't give up, and found someone who was willing to try to help. These days it's hard to find people willing to go above and beyond what is expected, but I believe we were lucky in finding them last night. Needless to say, we will be doing business with this company from now on.
Thanks again D and D Toys! With that act of kindness and dedication to your job, you jumped to the top of my Friday Favorites list.

And for those of you who are wondering if there was a lesson learned...yes, Ronnie learned never to "fix" the bike the day before a race.

1 comment:

Shy Little Violets said...

I hope you take pictures of Ethan at his race. I'd love to see him in his gear. That's really neat that you aren't a freaked out mother. I know a lot of mothers who would say that this sport isn't even be and option. Ethan must think he has the coolest Mom.