April 16, 2008

Tagged by Melinda

One of my "blogger" friends tagged me with a little request to reveal 7 mostly unknown facts about myself.

This is for you Melinda
  1. I want a teacup Pomerainian puppy. Look how adorable.

  2. I have two half sisters, Shawna and Vanessa, that I wish I was closer to.

  3. I love baking and gardening, and that doesn't make me old.
  4. My favorite person to have a deep conversation with is my brother, J.D. Growing up with him and having a single mom, made us very close.

  5. The sound of silverware rubbing on plates is like fingernails on a chalkboard to me.
  6. Even though I've lived in my own house for more then 8 years, I still think my mom's house is more "homely" and love being there when I'm sick or sad. It may also be because she's there to take care of me, or because her house is always cleaner then mine.
  7. When I was in second grade, my mom had to take a job out of state and I spent the year living with my grandparents. I am so blessed with the memories I have of the time spent with them.

I tag you Sioux!

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