April 1, 2008

Locks of Love

Yesterday we finally did it! Sophia is 4 ½ years old and she’s never had a haircut, a trim, nothing. Her hair had grown past her waist, and lets just say she has sat on it from time to time. For about a year I've been saying how wonderful it would be to donate it to Locks of Love. Locks of Love is a great charity that takes donated hair and makes wigs for cancer patients. But even though it's a great cause, I was still hesitant, her hair is so beautiful and for a mom, it was hard to let go of. So I made a promise to myself that as soon as she could understand, I would suck it up and do it.
Well, the last few weeks she has been randomly telling people that she is giving her hair to sick kids that don't have hair, so they could feel better and that’s when I knew it was time. So last night we drove over to have it cut. She was so excited; I've never seen a kid so happy to have their haircut. She smiled the entire time. We cut more then 13" and it's still to the bottom of her shoulder blades. Of course I was sad to let it go, I did get a little teary eyed, but I feel good about it. I know she may not truly understand what she’s done, but I hope one day she will love that we did this on her behalf.

(Pictures will be posted soon)

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