April 16, 2008

My Wish

Last night while I was getting ready to go work out I caught a music video of a Martina McBride song. In the video a girl walks around New York City with a large pad of paper and asks people to write down their biggest wish. Some people wished for peace, some for help for the hungry, and others for more money. It got me thinking, if I could have one wish come true, not just for me, but for this world, what would it be.

I've realized my wish would be for everyone to have more empathy. The dictionary states the definition of empathy as "the ability to identify with and understand somebody else's feelings or difficulties", while the thesaurus lists under empathy: understanding, sympathy, and compassion. Now, just take a minute to think about that........let it soak in.

If everyone was concerned about everyone else's feelings, think about the drastic changes that would occur. No wars, no hunger, no abuse, no murders...(the list could go on and on), just a peaceful, beautiful world, where every single living soul pitched in to care for those who aren't able to care for themselves.
So that's my wish. After reading this post I hope you'll have a little more empathy then before you read it. And you'll be able to pass the importance of this quality on to the people around you, the people you love, and the people you empathize for.

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