This isn't one of my happy, loving, touchy-feely posts. As the name of this blog states, there are also the bad times. There have been two enormous catastrophes this past week, neither directly relates to me, but it does affect me.
I have this intense sorrow for those that are there and suffering, for those that have lost someone they love, for those who have lost everyone they love, for the thousands upon thousands who just had their entire existence turned upside down and don't know where to go or what to do next. I feel awful for not being able to help them.
It makes me so thankful for all I have: a great husband, two amazing kids, a loving family, wonderful friends and neighbors, a home, food to eat; the list could go on and on. It makes me realize you can't waste time worrying about the things you have no control over. Don't waste time, hold grudges, or wait for apologies to find you. You can't worry about what others think or say about you. We should all learn to forgive and forget, to give second chances and live in the moment, you never know when your life will be turned upside down and you won't have that chance again. You should spend time with those you love and appreciate that time you have together. Don't take for granted what God has blessed you with.
And please, remember those who are suffering in Myanmar and China when you say your prayers tonight.