May 9, 2008

Fridays Favorite ~ Marbulous

I have something I must confess, I’m a little old fashioned. I think kids should stay kids as long as they can. I think in this day and age the world makes kids grow up too fast. But that’s something to delve into in another post, at another time. What my point here is, I want my kids to play like kids, for them to run and yell (outside of course), I want them to make messes and memories and most of all, I want them to use there imagination and have fun. I don’t like my kids to sit in front of the TV and “veg”; we don’t own a Playstation, an XBox, or a Gamecube. We have discussed giving into the Wii craze, just for the fact that you actually get up and move. I want them to play board games, not video games. They have a lot of games that they like to play but they do have a favorite.
You see, for Christmas a couple years ago, my kids received the greatest gift from one of our friends and neighbors. It's called Marbulous, and it is marvelous! There are several different sets; the one we have has 250 pieces, which includes tunnels, ramps, funnels, pinwheels, and marbles. There is also a book that has several suggested ways to put these together, or you can let your kids’ imaginations run wild (which I prefer). Once you put something together you drop a marble in the top and watch, and listen, to it run down the track, through all the twists and turns, and pinwheels and bells.When this gets pulled out of the game closet, it usually stays out for hours. My kids love this game and I love that they get to use their imaginations.
Look at these happy faces:

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