May 22, 2008

ABC's about Me

A - Attached or Single? attached and extremely happy about it
B - Best Friend(s)? I'd have to say Ronnie
C - Cake or pie? Chocolate Raspberry Cheesecake...yummy

D -Day of Choice? Any day I have off from work
E - Essential Item? lotion-gotta have it
F - Favorite Color? Depends on the day, today...yellow & purple
G - Gummy bears or worms? neither...sour patch kids
H - Hometown? Midvale
I - Favorite Indulgence? Ice Cream/Popsicles
J - January or July? July
K - Kids? two amazing kids...Ethan & Sophia
L - Life isn't complete without? my family
M - Marriage date? 5-19-00
N - Number of brothers and sisters? 1 brother & 2 sisters
O - Oranges or apples? both
P - Phobias and fears? snakes
Q - Quote? "Happiness is like a butterfly. The more you chase it, the more it eludes you. If you ignore it, it will come and sit softly on your shoulder" (borrowed this quote from Tracy, its a good one!)

R - Reason to smile? I have a great family and they are all happy and healthy
S - Season of Choice? Spring, without all this damn rain
T - Tag 3 people: Whoever wants to
U - Unknown facts about me? I was a bully in kindergarten (thats where Sophia gets it from)...sorry
V – Vegetable? Cauliflower
W - Worst habit? worrying myself into an anxiety attack, especially over things I have no control over
X - X-ray or Ultrasound? Ultrasound
Y - Your favorite food? steak.. :-( I miss steak
Z - Zodiac Sign? Capricorn

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